Thursday, December 26, 2013

Close up and action shots

I will tell you right now that close-up Portraits are not really my best thing.
     Siria Brevalaer
 My biggest problem is lighting, I can't stand my characters to look "washed out" so just increasing the "brightness setting" doesn't work for me. I end up with shadows, some look good, some don't.

     Find a place with good lighting... fire pits are not "good" lighting. ( at least not always)
         Cara at a fire pit
     You get that "red/orange" look at times....and it wasn't something you "saw" on your tv.
    Go into 3rd person and swing the camera view around until you "see your character", if the picture looks good, take far away? crop it.

   Angle wrong? swing the camera away from your character and look up or down, depending on which way you think the angle needs to be changed. Then keeping that same angle go back to looking at your character. If it still appears to be wrong, go into 1st person and move up or down that way, then back to 3rd person.

 Change the brightness settings on your console to get a better look, just remember to put them back.

 Any place that the area looks sharper or clearer, such as the Winking Skeever, will take better portraits as well as other pictures.

Action shots:

    So this kinda picture is what you want? I'll tell you right now, you will either catch on real quick or it will be an effort in fustrasion to get it right. ( a second person to take the picture would make it sooo much easier)
       1) go face a rock, house, wall or other "large" object...a sign post would work, but be alot harder to do.             don't be to close.
       2) pull out your weapon or spell or both.
       3) click your right stick and swing the camera around to face your character. ( if you are to close in click            the stick again and then again {out then back into 3rd person} pull back on the left stick to get the                distance you want. swing around so you are facing your character. ( or have a slight angle, your                    choice)
       4) Pull back the trigger, to "caste" your spell ( or swing ) and be prepared to quickly hit the D pad when you let go the trigger.
       5) Hit the D pad to pause the game, you may have to do this over and over and over again til you get exactly the picture you want. ( this is where that second person would come in handy.
           a. instead of having to worry about pausing, just have the other person point and take pictures.
      6) the screen is perfect, exactly what you want...well except the "favorites menu" and HUD...
           a. the reason I said "don't be to close, is you can crop the menu out.
           b. hit the Main menu key and reduce the HUD brightness til it goes away, then take the picture.
                               uncropped picture
                                same picture cropped, but not "edited"
                  I would generally "edit" the picture making it sharper.

The exact same principals work for "fight" scenes, just be very prepared to fight them over again. Unfortunately you can't pause the action to set up the view. It can be done though.

     The exact same principals apply to them, the only difference is that you can pause, take out the HUD, get your camera ready, put the controller down, use one finger to un-pause and click OR video away ( if your camera/phone has that option.

  One of the things I have found about the "action" pic's is that you can get some really neat angles. IF you do "action" pic's after a fight, depending on the angle you can end up with a picture that looks like you took it in the middle of the fight.

Just try and remember your background, truely epic pictures are going to have a really great background.

Don't worry if the light isn't the greatest if  you are getting that action shot of your mage throwing a fire or shock spell ( even frost has a glow) because if you catch it close to their face it will light them up also and really look great!

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