Thursday, December 26, 2013


TV/console settings:
1. Check the settings on your TV, some newer tv's will have different settings for different things. Play your game on "game", either way adjust your settings, alot of people have them to bright. It will also make your favorite show look better.
a. During a "game show" or other show you know is brightly lighted, adjust the brightness up and down til the program looks the best to you. Also adjust the contrast. ( this should be about middle settings).
b. Turn on your game ( IF you have a tv that saves "game", "sports"," movie"...etc) change your setting here also. If not then adjust your brightness settings on the 360 or ps3.
* I generally wait til night time and walk away from town and look for the moons and if they are not there I  turn the setting down til I have a hard time seeing in the distance. Lite a torch and go to 3rd person, is there a nice contrast of light to dark? In town, like Whiterun, I like to see a "pool of darkness" between firepits.
* wait again til day time, then look around, is there a "blue/grey haze in the near distance ( not fog, haze) if so bump the brightness down and check again. bump check,. Another way to check brightness is to go to the ice packs and look around, I generally don't like to see to much "snow glare".
** you may decide to play different type characters at different brightness settings, I play my Khajiits on a much darker setting than others, so that the "night eye" really mean's something.... plus torches are a must, on all my other characters.
Outside lights ( your house lights):
1. turn them off... or at least make sure they are not putting "spots" on your tv screen!
2. Flash on the phone or camera should be turned off
a. if you have a "sports" setting on your phone or camera use that setting as it will take out some of the "movement blurr" ( not all though as some is actually in the game).
IN Game:
1. Always take more than one picture of any setting
a. this will help with the "lines", one pic may have them and the next not.
2. get to know your set-up
a. some area's of the game will take better pic's than others, your phone/camera may also take better pictures at certain times of day or night.
*** my phone takes odd "night" pictures, some are grainy, some not. night and caves will often have a "blue" tinge.
b. what you see and what the camera/phone see are not always the same thing.
*** pause the game and look. ( I will have area for pausing and shooting pic's tip's)
3. The time of day ( or night and moons out or not) will have a big effect on how well the picture comes out.
a. sunrise and sunset provide some awesome pictures, with or without your character.
* remember you can brighten or dim the settings to adjust what the picture looks like. Pause when you do this.
** I have often brightened the settings to get a really great picture that was otherwise way to dark.
b. Keep torches and/or light spells handy, they will help in dark area's.

Sometimes the best pictures have alot of shadow's in them, think contrast. One of my favorite pic's has my chracter on a horse with shadow's from a tree over both of them, you can "see" them, but her face is not brightly lit.
I do end up editing alot of my pictures, IF I really like them, as I get the 'lines" through them. I will post a small area with tips on removing the lines, sometimes it works, sometimes the pic is meh after words.

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