Thursday, December 26, 2013

Pausing.. the game

Their are a couple ways to "pause" the game. 1st is hitting the main menu start ">" button , 2nd, game "menu" "B" button, 3rd favorites, "D" pad. ( "B" button is on 360, as that's what I have)

    I'm going to go with my least reccomended 1st, which is the main menu "start" button, on both controllers it is in an odd place to hit quickly ( or at least that's my opinion). While you can remove the HUD and brighten or darken the picture, that is all you can do.
    Hitting the in-game menu button ("B"on 360 ) you can change armors, weapons etc, then hit the "main" menu key and change the HUD and brightness settings if you want, back out of that and still be paused ( it's touchy on the 360 though, sometimes it would unpause on me). Get your camera/phone ready and unpause yourself.
   Favorites "D" pad, ( this is what I generally use). The down side is unless you have your armor(s) or clothing in favorites you can't change ( I do, if I know I plan on taking pics in certain armor) same with weapons. You can't hit the in-game menu button with out unpausing the game. You can hit the main menu button and for me has been more reliable about not unpausing the game. The biggest plus is the fact that you can take a picture while paused, just edit/crop out the menu.
                                         example with words from menu ( also uncropped)

Which you decide to use is really up to you. I think it is much easier to remember to hit the "D" pad while playing ( often as soon as I realize that the "kill-cam" is in the above picture.

My biggest tip though is to take a deep breath and remember you are paused, the game has stopped, take all the time you want to set up your camera!

You can un-pause and then re-pause during a Kill-cam, I generally don't, I just click away with my phone. Don't be discouraged if your 1st couple of Kill-cam shots don't come out as good as you think they should have, it takes a little bit of practice to pause right at the begining of each type and then get a really good action shot.

Remember to remove the HUD, it makes for a much, much better picture. Then you can take your camera to one of those "photo centers" and print out that truely awesome picture...make your own Skyrim Poster.  err or in my case mouse pad :)

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